Friday, 25 May 2018

Flower festival evening

This morning I had an appointment at the surgery with the dispensing pharmacist, I left early to walk there, it was spitting with rain but not too bad. He was very good, took my blood pressure and thinks I don't need to go on medication at the moment, he also explained a bit more about the blood pressure readings and about cholesterol. He suggested I get a blood pressure machine for home and monitor things for six weeks and the go and see him again. When I came out it was tipping down with rain so I was a little bedraggled by the time I got to the charity shop! Fairly quiet today but a few customers and I got more practice on the till.
No gardening today except when I went to check the little tomatoes in the couldrons were  completely waterlogged!
So I replanted them in large flower pots that would drain!
I had used the water retaining crystals in the couldrons so I poured the rest of the soil into a larder tub and planted the twisted willow in there. I used the drill to make the drainage holes.
As I couldn't do much else in the garden I moved the bookcases on the top landing and cleaned the spindles. The pictures don't look a lot different, but they were very dull and dusty.

The fern absolutely LOVES being up there!
When Darren got home from work he took me over to meet Tina, he was going on to his club and Tina and I were going to the Flower festival opening at St. Mary's. Took a picture of south bay although there is more of the houses that the bay before we went into the church.
I will put a few pictures of the flower arrangements today and maybe a few more tomorrow. The theme was 'Colours of church life' and depicted different aspects of the church year.

Tina and I did some shopping at Lidl before heading home. Almost time for bed now!


  1. Sounds like a busy day for you, or as we say, normal! Glad the blood pressure has settled a bit. You’ll be doing everyone’s blood pressure once you get your own machine!
    A nice little trip out for you again. It’s good as it makes a break for you. A change of scenery so to speak. I really like the in church pics of the arrangements, in particular the last one with the poppies.

    1. Hi Mike, quite busy but not the gardening because of the rain. Hopefully will plough on with that over the weekend, no pun intended!
      Some great floral arrangement, I liked the remembrance one too.
