Thursday 17 May 2018

Evening sky and gate notebook.

Yesterday evening Tina and I had a drive out, we were at the mere a little after sunset. The sky was muted and pretty, some more wonky photos Mike you will be pleased to see!

I stubbed my little toe when I went to the loo this morning and it has been pretty painful all day, so I didn't go for an early walk. Tina drove me up to Freeport, we had breakfast and did a bit of shopping and then I went to the craft outlet for a course on making crackle glaze. We made little gate notebooks using lolly sticks, really effective I think, I have a couple of friends who would like to receive on as a present I think.

One of the ladies from the U3A craft group came today and said she would walk home with me, We went to the shoe shop first where I got a pair of trainers for my walks and then we made our way home. She is younger and fitter than me and I did say I had a really sore toe and dodgy ankle and knee ( I was actually limping a bit) but we ended up walking back much faster than I would have done if I had meandered on my own!
Sat down for a bit and listened to the rest of the audio book and then made my way, without a lot of enthusiasm into the garden. Decided to carry on from where I left off yesterday.
Nearer to the big trees I was finding I was fighting with bigger and bigger roots, one of them I cannot budge so we will take the saw out tomorrow!

And when I hit this lump of ironwork I am surprised I didn't bend another fork, we have four injured ones at the last count!!
So, a bit more progress, maybe a bit more tomorrow after the charity shop session.
I had an offer from Hotter shoes a while back, two pairs of sandals at a reduced price, free delivery and a free gift. I ordered a pair each for Tina and myself, there is a delay on mine but Tina's and the free gift, a garden belt came today. Tina and I agree that this is the best free gift from a catalogue ever, a really fabulous piece to kit, the other choice was a scarf.
Wearing the new trainers indoors this evening, the wellies earlier troubled my toe a bit, but these seem really comfy.


  1. I quite like those pinky skies. Very nice. You certainly have gone wonky with that new camera, not like you at all. It must be heavier one side than the other :-)
    The little gate book is lovely. Very different as I’ve not seen one like that before. Some people do come up with some great ideas.
    You must have hit that toe very hard for it to still be sore today. I’ve managed to avoid doing it myself for a very long time. Just the thought of it makes me wince! The trouble is as well that you normally end up doing it again just as it’s feeling better. Fingers crossed you don’t!
    The garden looks vast in those pics. Either that or those garden tools are very small :-) It does look nice when it’s all turned over and fresh like that. Just a shame it doesn’t stay weed free like that forever.
    That is a nice gift actually, and far more useful than a scarf. Don’t you and Tina fight over who gets to use it :-)

  2. I will try very hard to get those pictures straight again, I am slipping!
    I did buy lolly sticks as I have a couple of people in mind to make notebooks for. It is a great idea, and if you get some of the huge sticks you could make a decent sized book.
    Believe me, the garden is huge, although it does look even bigger in photos! The belt is mine, but I will share!!
