Sunday 31 March 2024

Slightly longer walk

Went to the boot sale with Darren, had my sandwich and looked at a few stalls. I just bought a book by Ann Cleeves as I hadn’t taken one with me. I made a start reading it in the car while I waited for Darren.
I have spent some of the day on the latest jigsaw. It is an interesting one to do.
After lunch Darren was going to the gym, I said I would try to walk down to the hub and join him for a cuppa. I managed to get there in about twenty minutes and didn’t need to sit down in the memorial garden on the way. So that was good. It was very blustery so just took a photo from inside the cafe.
After tea Tina took me out for a drive to Mappleton, it was starting to spit with rain and the wind was bitter, but we did get out to take picks and have a little walk. The cliffs are still falling away at an alarming rate.
Resting and ice pack time now.


  1. Glad you made it to the boot sale with Darren. It’s a bit of a family tradition now 🙂 At least the bad knee is stopping you looking at all the stalls and bringing home lots of things you don’t need 😂A book is always handy though, even if only to prop something up with!
    The puzzle is coming on. I wonder if Pandora will perch herself on it when it’s finished? Would make a good pic.
    It’s not been anywhere as nice today as it was yesterday. But at least you had a bit of a walk. Getting out later with the Rev was good too. Costal erosion is getting worse in this country. We’ll shrink and disappear totally before long!

  2. Not a bad day, just need to get the sleeping sorted and all will be well, hopefully.
    Have done bit more to the jigsaw, have separate all the cat pieces, which should be fun as it is getting on for half the puzzle!
