Friday 1 March 2024

Rain stopped play, well, gardening anyway!

I went out quite early to post a couple of postcards that didn’t get into a post box on Sheffield! At nine I walked down to the bank and then to Petals and Paws to get some veg as I couldn’t get onto the site to order some this week. They do a good selection there and also had some gone soft apples for the birds, five for 50p. I don’t usually put out fruit butI threaded a couple up and hung it when I went out to feed the birds.
It was quite bright early on so I had hoped to get out into the garden and use the hoe, and maybe get the last few plants in. But the rain started falling when I was visiting Bel, and it did bucket down. So I decided to start doing some serious sorting. I have hundreds of pieces of art work and have taken pics of a few that I think deserve to see daylight before everything is consigned to the bin!
I will keep this self portrait of about twenty years ago as I think it is a fair likeness.
I am onto clearing out all the card blanks now, lots of them, and will get them along to Men in Sheds along with material and other bits. The Lady Shedders have a couple of sessions there!
Maybe it will be dry tomorrow, but if not lots of cards and notelets to sort through!


  1. In some respects it was a shame you couldn’t get out into the garden, but in others it was good you didn’t overdo it. At least you got out the house for a walk, and the wildlife got spoiled with apples 😊
    You really shouldn’t throw your artwork out. It would be such a shame ☹️ I particularly like the old building at Empingham reservoir. I think it was a church at one point. I think the other church is Tina’s, but I’m not 100% sure. Anyway, you should keep them 😊
    Sounds like tomorrow’s schedule is full regardless of the weather 🙂

  2. I just have so many sketches, some dating back over fifty years! The big church is St Mary’s. Tina’s base in Scarborough.
    Hopefully at least the last few plants will find their way into the garden today.
