Thursday, 28 March 2024

Lunch at Lily’s

Fairly quiet day, I have been very tired nd the pain seems to have got more obvious but probably because the numbness is wearing off. I removed the temporary dressing this morning and did have a shower, but I had some spare large dressings and covered it again for the day. I will remove it again tonight before I settle down. The shopping was due today as there wasn’t a slot on Saturday and after it arrived went with Tina to Lily’s for lunch. I have the delicious fish pie that is their speciality. We had a quick look at the sea of course.
I got another surprise through the post today and it included some gorgeous hand decorated chocolate eggs. They won’t last long!
Hazel sent me a jigsaw puzzle a while ago, I decided to start it today, going to be considerably quicker to do than the humming bird!
I had to smile when I went down to check the plants in the greenhouse, I could here a seagull and as ai got close to the greenhouse there were two, one with his head through the small gap where I had left the door open slightly yesterday. They moved off as I arrived and there was a pile which looked a bit like sick on the floor but then I realised it was a suet bird block for birds. A squirrel had obviously got through the gap, chewed through a box that  had the blocks in and pulled it out and had eaten some. The squirrels and gulls can be a pain but I love their ingenuity, I cleaned it up and threw it out into the garden for them to finish it off!
I have struggled a bit with the positivity today but will pull my socks up for tomorrow. Have done the exercises twice today but may give the third lot a miss!


  1. The beach pics look almost summery, but I bet it didn’t feel like that! At least the shopping arrived early so you got out for lunch. The fish pie sounds good. Not had one for a long time.
    You are getting a lot of gifts through the post, the eggs look very tempting. Have you any left? 🙂 Who sent you those?
    The squirrels are very ingenious, and it sounds like the gulls aren’t far behind them. But if they can work out ways to get them, then they deserve them 🙂
    The puzzle looks a lot more sensible than the last one you did. You might actually enjoy it this time!
    Sorry to hear you’re struggling at the moment. I’m sure constant pain would get anyone down. Luckily you don’t lay down without a fight, so hopefully things will look up before long.

  2. The wind was pretty chilly today, but the sea did look lovely.
    Yes, I was amused, not annoyed by the animal antics.
    Anya and family sent a bundle of Easter goodies including the eggs. Haven’t eaten all of the eggs yet, but still time……
