Friday 15 March 2024

Feeling weary but positive

I was up really early gain, not because of a bad night but because I really don’t like sleeping on my back! So up by 4.30am but dozed on the chair for a while with Pandora on my lap, well, the left leg of my lap to be precise! Jean called in with a card and a very pretty hydrangea. She stayed of a cuppa and a chat.
Postage stamps are going up in price again next month so I sent for half sheets of first and second class stamps from Royal Mail. No delivery charge as ai spent a lot so no more than.I would pay at the local post office but got to choose some pretty ones!
That should keep me going for a while!
Caroline from the pottery studio came into visit me this afternoon and Rob, her brother is going to visit on Sunday. He missed me on Wednesday this week.
I have put a few more pieces into the jigsaw, but not looking a lot different, will try and get a bit further tomorrow.
Watching Comic Relief now, haven’t donated yet, but will be….
I love Comic Relief and the skits are u squally funny.


  1. Well I suppose getting up at daft o’clock isn’t so bad if it’s not because of a bad night, but it’s still not good 😊 At least you do get to have a snooze if you feel like it.
    It’s nice you’ve had some visitors today, and more to come over the weekend. Nice to be popular πŸ™‚ Really like the look of the hydrangea, very pretty.
    You can’t go too wrong with the stamps. You tend to use quite a few, so they’re always handy. Not cheap these days though!
    So, how many times did you donate in the end. I’m pretty damn sure it’ll be more than once πŸ™‚

  2. Just once, but did buy a t shirt a while ago. Great total by 10pm.
    It is good to get visitors while I cannot grit out to visit them.
    Up a bit later today, 5.40an!

  3. Seems like you're not in too much pain. That's good. Keep up with the exercises and you'll be fine in no time.
