Monday 11 March 2024

Keeping busy

This morning I set off for the library which opened at 9.30am as I wanted to return a book and not end up forgetting it and getting a fine! Had a drink in the cafe and went and looked at the sea before going home.
I called in at the banking hub and the Co-op on the way home. Before lunch I decided to try and plant the foxgloves I had dug up and sitting in water and three primulas. Two from a Mothering Sunday service and one that Tina had been give at the primary school.
I did get them all out into the garden. Tina and I watched the Throw Down final and had lunch then I went beck out into the garden. I had a willow and three pots with plants in sitting in the greenhouse and thought it would be a good idea to get them into the ground.  The willow is quite striking and I have put in quite ner the cordylines.
I also found spot for the three potted plants and a couple of bulbs.
I had meant to get the bed where ai put the sunflowers dug, made a start at turning it over, will have to delegate it now!
I have taken some things down to the dining room to keep me occupied iced while I am restricted. I will sleep int the bed but will probably spend the days downstairs, easier for Tina to get me drinks etc while I find my feet, so to speak!
Have started reading the book Anya bought for me, will put it on the case later.


  1. Sounds like you’ve got most things in order in readiness for a bit of recuperating. Hopefully the garden will hold out now and look after itself for a while, or as you say a bit of delegating will be in order. You have a strong man in the house who would be perfect for weeding and digging. Good luck with that 😂
    Seriously though, you’ve done well to get to where you are considering your body didn’t always cooperate! Hopefully you’ll be ready for a less restrictive time before too long.
    Hope all goes well tomorrow. Take care.

  2. The weeds are beginning to surface, but the plants are looking good so the garden will hang on for a while.
    This is the morning to try and be calm and carry on!
