Monday 25 March 2024

Cute gift and lunch with Sher

I have been a bit anxious about the leg so pleased that ai am going to the hospital tomorrow and can raise my concerns. The new ice pack is certainly good so that was worth getting. The post brought such a lovely little surprise gift, it was from Nora, a neighbour from years ago who was such a help tome last year when Iwas helping my niece.
I watered the plants in the greenhouse and then had a wander round the garden, it is looking good.
I went out with Sher, we had lunch at the cafe at Mappleton which was very tasty.
Have had a pretty quiet afternoon and this evening I won’t be doing a lot. Hospital visit tomorrow, wound cheque and clips out.


  1. I hope the hospital trip allays some of your concerns with the leg. Maybe getting the clips out will make a bit of difference.
    The hedgehog is a lovely gift from Nora. I bet it made you smile when you opened that 🙂
    The garden is looking really good. All the effort you put into it has paid off. You must be really pleased with it.
    Good luck for tomorrow.

  2. Will be very pleased to get the clips out and the wound checked. Angela is taking me and we will go and have a late lunch after the appointment.
    The little hedgehog is adorable.
    Hopefully I I’ll get into the garden again before the weeds take over!
