Monday 4 March 2024

Physio and lunch

Pottered doing a few jobs first thing after making an appointment to see the physio lady t the surgery at eleven. Angela picked me up nd when I had finished we went to the garden centre for lunch. Emma, the surgery physio checked my ankle, said it wasn’t hot and not a lot more swollen than the other one. Was a bit concerned that it is so sensitive but asked it I raised it in the evening, the answer to that is no, wel certainly not so my feet are higher than my thigh which is what is recommended. Not sleeping on a bed at the moment they are not even level and my leg rest is comfortable but doesn’t raise my feet much off the floor. So I have attached a pillow to the foot of the recliner and will use the foot rest that is level with my chair for now.
We had the carvery at the garden centre, so I had met and lots of veg! I bought two great bonsai dishes and some bonsai soil, all at much better prices than I have see elsewhere.
Before we went out I had quite for Angela in the garden and now for a couple of silly photos, one out of focus and one just silly! We have some pretty daffodils but the are facing down, so my first attempt a holding the phone underneath it and trying to work out where to press was like this!
Then I leaned over to try again and the photo is hilarious 🤣
The weather was bright but a bit chilly. Decided to do some repotting but ended up just doing one pot that had four trees in. It was a nightmare, I really had to fight to get them separated so that was all I achieved! The pot behind the finished one has several trees in, that might not get repotted!
Going to watch tv resting my legs now!


  1. Well at least the visit to the physio was worth it. Hopefully trying to elevate the leg more will ease things a bit. Definitely difficult though while you’re using the chair and not the bed.
    Bet the carvery was nice, I’ve not been to one of those for a while. The pots are nice. I know they are extremely expensive usually so I hope you got a good bargain price.
    I love the self portrait with the flower 😂 The tongue just adds to it 🤣
    I can imagine repotting a four in was a nightmare. I think the one behind looks perfectly fine as it is though 😊

  2. May not get all the trees done, will start now from oldest and see how it goes.
    May be getting some visits in today, trying to see folk before I am stuck indoors for a while.
