Sunday 10 March 2024

Mothering Sunday surprise

No boot sale this morning as it was raining so Darren drove us down to the front to Lily’s to have breakfast. We didn’t walk to the se to take a photo today as the rain was icy in the wind. We enjoyed our breakfast and when we got home I thought ai would walk to Boyes to see if I could get some fibre flower pots. I realised as I set off they probably would be open as it was before ten, I was right! I thought of walking down later and in the end called in when I walked to the front again as Darren had suggested I meet him at the hub and we could have a coffee when he came out of the gym. I was there in good time and couldn’t get right to the front because of a large puddle, so took a photo from outside the cafe.
We had naughty hot chocolate with marsh mallows and cream before Darren bringing me home in the car. Anya had Sid we could have our video call for twelve and we were back in time. But she had said she had some errands so I didn’t think much of it when she wasn’t on line then. Tina wa cooking dinner so I just hoped she would call before it was ready. Then I was just pottering when there she was with some pretty tulips!
She bought me n interesting book by a lady who lives in Stamford. I did see things for someone at Stamford auction house, so it should be interesting. She also brought me a double jigsaw that she spotted in a charity shop.
Darren and Tina had been in on the surprise and Anya joined us for a very nice lunch. A quick cup of tea together before. She left, only here for a couple of hours but it was lovely.
I didn’t get any fibre pots but did get some plastic ones and went to the greenhouse and planted up some seeds.
The sweet peas I planted a while ago are shooting well and a couple of the nasturtiums are showing now.
When I came indoors Tina and Darren gave me a very lovely and very naughty gift, a beautiful limited edition bronze wren. She looks lovely on the wren shelf!
Anya got home in good time and can have a nice evening being spoilt herself. I have gathered most of the stuff I need ready for Tuesday, so trying now to have a relaxed evening.


  1. That was a really nice day for you then. When you told me earlier that you’d had a surprise I guessed that’s what it would be 😊 You’ve had some nice gifts. You can add the book and the jigsaw to the pile of things to do when you’re laid up. The wren is really lovely too. You’re getting quite a little collection now.
    Tuesday isn’t far away…….

  2. A lovely day and a nice boost before the surgery. Just got to keep calm now!
