Tuesday 12 March 2024

Out the other side!

A long day and feeling sore and a bit sick now, but so far so good. Had breakfast about 4.15 am and a cuppa!no food or anything but water after 6am.
Got everything packed and sorted and Tina drove me down to the sea front before Sarah came to collect me.
Arrived in good time and Sarah and David stayed until it seemed pretty certain the surgery would go ahead. The room is plain but comfortable.
Various checks and agreed I would have the spinal injection with a very lovely female anaesthetist. She couldn’t get the sedation needle into my hand so went for the arm. I didn’t enjoy the spinal injection but slept through the surgery and woke up in recovery. Two really lovely nurses in there and had a nice tea at five.
The physio had me up and walking a bit, and sitting out now. Feeling a bit sick since the exercise, but the surgeon said the operation went well, so fingers crossed. Physio said I should be going home tomorrow.


  1. Well that’s the first bit of it over. Just the “lazing about” bit left now 😀 Hopefully no more worries about blood pressure or bmi……yayyyy!
    As you say the room is plain, but it’s only tonight. At least it’s a room and you don’t have to share with the common people 😊 Your tea looks very nice too. You could get used to being waited on like that. You’d get bored with it after a while though.
    Seriously though, it’s good the surgery is over and if the surgeon says it went well, then that’s good. You’ll soon be running about!
    Take it easy. Not that you can do much else I suppose.

  2. Answering this a silly o clock as I haven’t slept, but have jus hd the nurses in to do obs and Watch over me ge to the loo.the good thing about not sleeping is I have been doing some of the exercises so won’t be too stiff when the physio comes to work with me in the morning.

  3. Fingers crossed the next update will be from Hornsea!
