Saturday 16 March 2024

Nice visit from Angela and flowers from Angie

Darren and Tina had to go out this morning and Angela came round at about 9.30 am and we had a cuppa and can’t. After a while Angela went over to her Bemora Kitchen and got me a take away super mocha and she had a shroom coffee.. while she was with me a package arrived, flowers from my friend Angie in Peterborough. I got them arranged in a vase when Angela’s went home just before twelve.
The tulips Anya brought up last Sunday are still okay, so colourful in my sitting room at the moment.
I tried reading for a while but have been very tired today and was just falling asleep, so have had a couple of spells trying to do bits of the jigsaw. Bits being the correct word. Not much more to report and an early night is beckoning I think. I could do with feeling a little less tired!

1 comment:

  1. Longer night seem to be a long time coming! But sure to get there in the end……..
