Wednesday 6 March 2024

Painting commission

I changed the bedding yesterday evening as I was phoned by a physio at the hospital who questioned me about sleeping on the recliner. She said I would need to sleep in the bed after surgery as I need to keep the leg straight. I took the bedding to the laundry hub as we don’t have a tumble drier and there is already washing on the airers. I dropped it off and then walked up to Freeport. Today the knee hurt more than the ankle which is good, maybe the leg elevation is working.
Some finished items today, one sample and two to bring home. I am really pleased with the seahorse, I had used pale colours so wasn’t sure it would be okay.
The soap dish turned out well, Caroline said her daughter wants me to paint one for her.

I used the left over paint from the soap dish and used a stencil and splodged it a bit, so added some text!
Today Rob told me that they had a commission for me and I’may not like it!’. No, it wasn’t the clock, but not a lot better, someone wanted the coffee pot painted in blue. I had drawn it freehand the first time, trying to replicate it I got the spacing wrong, so used different coloured felt pens until it seemed about right. It was all a bit stressful in the end, especially when I got a couple of spots of blue on the wrong places. It took several hours and I didn’t even take a final picture, was glad to be heading off for the bus!
Caught the bus home and apart from nipping out again to post a letter just taking it easy.


  1. It makes sense you’ll be back in the bed after the op. Doubt the chair would be suitable for rehabilitation 😊 Hopefully all these problems will be a thing of the past before too long.
    So which is the sample? The seahorse is lovely. A few of those in a bathroom would look really good. I really like the soap dish too. That could go in a bathroom with the seahorses too 😊
    I can imagine the dread of having to do another coffee pot, specially as it was for someone else. I’m guessing it’ll turn out fine though once it’s fired. I’ll shall look forward to seeing it.
    Taking it easy is a good plan, you should do it more often 😊

  2. The soap dish is a sample for the shop.
    I was glad to get the coffee pot finished but the time there was as enjoyable as usual. If the lady isn’t happy with it then I think they plan to use it in the studio, so not wasted time!
    The seahorse is already in my bathroom.
