Friday 22 March 2024

Way to go!

Was still a bit achey last night but I did manage to get a slightly better night, surprisingly I have managed to let Pandora still settle on me, she lets me move her to a position that is comfortable for both of us. She was well happy watch tv last night!
Bel came round to visit this morning and could see that the jigsaw was well on the way to being finished. She declined me passing it on to her!
I had a little walk along Newbegin before lunch. This afternoon Tina drove me to the hospital so that I could have my physio appointment. The physio was lovely and tested my quads, and getting my leg flat onto the bed but was concerned that I cannot bend the leg to 90 degrees. She did say that the swelling and the fact that the clips haven’t been removed yet probably was making it difficult. But she wants to see me gain in five weeks but if I am still not able to bend it after the clips are removed she wants me to phone and arrange a sooner appointment,. So fingers crossed I can get the leg bending better next week. She did say I should use the ice pack more regularly and the one they give you to being home is hopeless. I do have a couple of micro fibre ones and have ordered one that is supposed to be good after knee replacement.
I have done a bit of reading today, but have mostly concentrated on the jigsaw and can report that it is finished!
I won’t be doing it again and may put a health warning on it before it goes to the charity shop!


  1. Glad you managed a bit better night. Still a way to go until you reach the really good nights though. Pandora looks very comfy 🙂
    The jigsaw looks really good now it’s done. I’m not surprised Bel didn’t want it. Did you tell her never to buy you one again? 😂
    Not wonderful news at the physio, but hopefully it’ll get easier once everything settles down. The ice packs sound a good idea, and you always follow advice, so you’ll get there in the end. Tomorrow is another day……..although looking at the time it’s already tomorrow 😂

  2. No, not th best physio result but I did know that 90 degrees was the magic target! Pity it is so far to go and see her again!
    The jigsaw is a great picture, just a stinker to do, will be back in the box today.
