Monday 18 March 2024

Walk on the wild side!

Not really wild at all but Tina had a letter that had been wrongly delivered to the parish hall, it was for a different village, so thought I would give walking to the post box near the traffic lights a go. The magnolia in the front garden has quite a lot of buds this year, the one in the back doesn’t do so well.
Couple of photos of the church grounds on the way.
And one of the anemones on the front lawn on the way back
I managed okay with the crutches and what a lovely day to get out of the house. I did go into the walled garden and sat there briefly, but it was a bit cooler as the sun wasn’t shining on it. I checked the bonsai trees and they all seem to have survived having their roots attacked! This one was looking particularly happy.

Having trouble with one of the exercises, the knee won’t bend to 90 degrees yet. Just checking how the leg was doing was a bit taken aback that the operated one looked like I had spray tanned it!

After lunch I had a wander round the garden and took some pics of the flower beds.
Still feeling ridiculously tired and it actually made me feel a bit woozy a couple of times today, still battling with getting a decent sleep, but it will come.
I have done a bit more to the jigsaw, I only keep going because Bel bought it for me!


  1. Well it’s nice for you to get out even if it wasn’t that far. Little steps etc……. Some nice pics to show for it too. The church and grounds always look good from that angle. It’s good that it’s raised up like that. Nice weather too from the looks of those pics.
    The bonsai does look really good. You’d think having its roots hacked around would make it droop a bit, but it obviously works well for them. More room to breathe!
    Your leg does look like you’ve had half a tanning session 🙂 Hopefully once all that’s worn off things will start to get a lot easier for you. I’m amazed the knee bends at all this soon after an operation like that, let alone to 90 degrees!
    The garden is still looking good. When is the new chap starting the grass cutting? Looks like it’s getting ready for a trim and an edging. Don’t even think about doing it yourself 😊
    Maybe tonight will be the night for a decent sleep…….or then again.

  2. Good to try walking outside, will try to venture out again,m weather permitting.
    I think Tina saw the lawn guy yesterday,nhoefuooy we will get a few dry days and he will be here.🤞
    Will try to get th bend to 90 degrees today, but won’t hold my breath!


  3. so happy to see that you're up and about. Hope there's no pain.

  4. There is still some pain, especially when I try to do exercises which the knee resists, but it is manageable but will subside, still have considerable bruising and swelling.
