Saturday 9 March 2024

Fairly busy day

 The shopping came in good time today so after that I went to a couple of shops, the Co-op to drop off the soft plastic and Boyes as they had great bin liners made of of farm waste. Then at ten I took a bag over to the charity shop. Then this I went out, wrapped up warm to get on with repotting the bonsai trees. I soldiered on for a couple of hours and got them all done, even the other multi tree pot.
These two I had done first as they are the most successful.
After lunch I did go out again and got the three plants still in pots into the garden and dug up some foxgloves that were on a waste area. I have put them in water as they were  quite dry and will hopefully get then into the garden tomorrow. Took a long picture ot the bed round the lawn as it is looking pretty good.
The amaryllis plant has the second stem of flowers opening so it is a picture of alive and dead!
I have continued sorting my rooms and that is good, it hasn’t been so clear in a very long time.
We will go along to the boot sale in the morning if the weather is kind.


  1. A very busy bee, and very productive today. It was good to get the bonsai sorted. Thy look good. A nice one to tick off your list.
    The bed in the pic looks really nice. A lot of work has gone into that and the rest of the garden. Hopefully the new lawn man will do some extras and keep things under reasonable control while you’re incapacitated.
    Enjoy car booting tomorrow.

  2. Good to have the trees done, they really did need to be repotted this year.
    Sadly it is raining, so no boot sale today.
