Thursday 21 March 2024

Bit of a struggle day

I have been veery tired today and quite achey as well. The bruising has now come out down the back of the calf and into the ankle, the thigh is fading a bit now. But I walked a long to the bank this morning. Tina’s old car was collected quite early but the new one wasn’t be delivered until after lunch so we decided to go over to Bemora for lunch. Wandered along to Countdown before coming home.
Read a bit and worked on the jigsaw. Tina’s new car arrived and she is pleased with it, not blue though!
I had ordered some plug plants, perennials, and I got Tina to take them down to the greenhouse for me as well as a stool and watering can so I could pot them up.
Got two dozen done and hopefully will br able to get them into the garden myself in a few weeks.
I did plant some courgette seeds and a lot of things growing out there now.
Tina has lent a hand with the everlasting jigsaw.
Hopefully Bel will make it round to see me in the morning and witness the puzzle well on the way to completion!


  1. You’ll be glad to see the back of all the bruising! You’ll laugh about all this in the summer when you’re back to being fighting fit 🙂
    The revs new car looks really nice. I like the colour. Hope you get a ride in it soon.
    A bit of pottering in the greenhouse was nice. Glad to hear you didn’t try to cart stuff down there yourself. You’ll soon be eating courgette soupy rice stuff again 🙂
    Bel will see you’re having so much fun with the jigsaw she’ll probably get you another one to do 😳

  2. Short ride in the car yesterday evening. A longer one today as off to the hospital to see the physio.
    Lots of stuff to put in the garden, just need to be able to do it!
    Won’t be sorry to pack this jigsaw away.
