Wednesday 27 March 2024

Lift to the pottery studio

Caroline came to collect me and take me up to the studio today which was really kind of her. She drove me home as well after I had had a while painting, and she joined me today and painted a sample herself. I finished off the fruit gown I had at home and then started painting a gown as a sample but forgot to take a photo of that,
The teddy money bank I painted for Angie had been fired and turned out well.
I brought home a tea light holder that I really like to paint at home.
We had lunch when I got home and I did some errands along the road. Then I did the exercises, well, tried and sat and rested the leg.
Have done a bit of washing and couple of chores but have done a bit of resting as the leg is quite painful today.


  1. Glad you got to the studio, and nice to get a lift there and back too. The fruit bowl looks good. I’ll definitely look forward to seeing that fired. The teddy really did turn out well. I think you do well to paint them. I never have a clue what they’ll look like when they’re in the unfired state. I bet Angie will be over the moon with that. I can see why you got the tea light holder. That should look pretty good painted too. A colourful dragonfly?
    Hope the resting of the leg is helping ease the pain a bit 🤞

  2. Blues and greens probably for the dragonflies, although maybe not so much green because of the leaves behind.
    I am looking forward to the fruit bowl being fired, but it maybe a while as it will take up quite a bit of room on the kiln.
    My leg is still very resistant to bending but I will keep trying.
