Saturday 23 March 2024

Following orders!

Have done the exercises three times today, have to admit haven’t done three sets every day. Have iced each time I have exercised, not with the new ice pack yet as it only arrived this vending and is in the freezer as I write. The leg has been quite painful and still swollen, but will press on.
Darren carried some watering cans down to the greenhouse for me so I went down to water the vast array of seedlings and plug plants in there. The jigsaw is now back in the box, best of luck to the next owner!
Tina had to drive the new car to Scarborough this morning as when she took me to the hospital yesterday one of the number pores had fallen off! She wa not impressed. When she got back we got an early lunch as she was taking a memorial service this afternoon, after lunch I started painting the money box that I am painting for a friend. I was just finishing it when Darren came up to say we could have a trip up to Freeport and call in and see Rob at pottery studio. So I could take it up to be fired. The before pic doesn’t look a lot different to the painted as I used a very pale pink. Did some writing on the back.
So I did have. Short walk from the car park to the studio, but have decided to see off the walking a bit until the swelling goes down.
The Easter rabbit I had painted as a sample turned out really well and I got to see the coffee pot in blue as it hasn’t been collected yet.
I have made a start on the fruit bowl this evening, but it is feet up time now.


  1. Shame the knee is still giving you so much pain ๐Ÿ™ It's a good job your the sort of person who doesn't give up! I'm sure you'll get there eventually, but it would be nice if it were quicker.
    I bet the rev wasn't pleased at all about the number plate falling off. I'm sure she expressed her displeasure when she got to Scarborough ๐Ÿ™‚
    The Easter rabbit is lovely. I really like that. The money box is very hard to imagine before it's fired. I'll be interested to see the result. Nice of Darren to take you there today. The coffee set is so good. I'm sure they'll be better over the moon with it.
    Enjoy the evening.

  2. It was nice to all I at the studio, hoping to have a couple of hours there next week.
    The money box will be quite subtly coloured, but hopefully quite cute.
    Best try to keep positive that things will begin to improve.
    I think the garage were very apologetic and somewhat embarrassed when Tina went there,
