Friday 8 March 2024

Back to the hospital

This morning I went out fairly early to get some cash from the banking hub and a bit of shopping. Then I went to see Bel just before ten and stayed an hour as I had Angela picking me up at 11.15am to take me to the hospital for a blood test. I had started the washing and nose cream regime this morning as it is for five days. Bel was fine although had had to have her garage door sorted out quickly.
Angela was on time and it was good that we allowed an hour as the traffic was quite bad along one stretch of road. We arrived just on time and I was called pretty much straight in. The blood test was okay although it looks like it will bruise again. I realised on the way that I was developing an itchy rash on my arm, really don’t want that to break out! Talked to the nurse and asked if it could be a reaction to the body wash. Also asked if I could use the e45 cream. She was sure but phoned another member of staff who said as my swabs were negative that would be okay. Something else to stress about!
We went to Morrisons and had a really tasty and reasonably priced lunch and then Angela dropped me off at Jeans. Spent a couple of hours there and Terry drove me home. Jeans back was really painful today but other than that she seemed okay and we had a nice chat.
I haven’t take any photos today so will add a couple of collages from four and two years ago.
No particular plans for this evening.


  1. You have had a busy day. No wonder you get stressed 😊 Hopefully the rash turns out to be nothing and won’t effect the op in any way. But I do understand why all these things stress you out. The sooner it is done and over with the better. You’ll be able to relax a bit at least.
    I’ve not eaten at Morrisons for a while, but I do remember they used to do a nice breakfast, and nice fish and chips too 🙂 My life revolves around eating……sad isn’t it? 🙂
    Not at all like you to not take pics. But there are some nice ones in those two collages. I particularly like food pic with the nice bread roll etc……but I would wouldn’t I. 😀

  2. Yes, hopefully the rash will not be a problem.
    A rare day when I don’t take my pictures, will probably be snapping tomorrow.
