Saturday 31 December 2022

New printer

This morning, after the shopping had been delivered I had a few bits to get in town and then I went to visit Bel. She was well and had just started another large jigsaw. 
I dropped my shopping at home and then decided to walk up to Freeport. Tina and Darren had gone for a trip into Hull. As I started walking the rain started again, so I was quite wet when I got to the pottery painting studio. I had a drink while I dried off a bit and then got on with painting the elf, third session and I did get him finished and now hoping for the best!
I caught the bus home and I had forgotten my bus pass, but it is quite cheap to get home from Freeport. The lady bus driver so was lovely and said I could ride home for free as it is New Years Eve!
I haven’t had a printer for a while now and today when they were out Tina and Darren bought me a new one. It is now set up and ai am so pleased they did it as it would have taken me forever! It is now linked to the phone and the iPad, and Darren found some photo paper. They helped me print a couple and I have printed a couple more since tea.

Not the best photos as it is quite dark in the bedroom. I did have yet another move around in the bedroom so that I had a table ready for the printer.
Practice will make perfect, it is different from when I used to print from a laptop! A lovely gift though and I am so happy to be able to print photos myself again to send friends that don’t have internet access.
Watching ‘Yesterday’ now and doubt I will stay up to midnight, so a happy new year to all.


  1. Sounds like you kept quite active for the last day of the year. The elf is looking very good. I can’t picture the colours until it’s actually fired, so I’ll look forward to seeing it then. Very nice of the bus driver to give you a free ride home.
    That’s really good that you’ve got a printer again. All set up and working is great too. I know how much you missed not having one, so you’ll be able to get back to printing the odd ones out again. Really nice of Darren and Tina to get that for you.
    Anyway, Happy New Year.

  2. Yes, new year, new start, no actual resolutions but lots of things in the back of my mind to change!
    Safe travels home Mike.
