Friday 2 December 2022

Relaxing friend day!

This morning Rachel and I went up to Hornsea garden centre this morning and had a nice breakfast and then had a good wander around the Christmas display. Rachel was amazed at the size of the display! A photo of the sky before we went in!

We drove up to Mappleton, didn’t stay too long as it was very bracing!

We stopped at Freeport on the way back and had a very naughty drink in the pottery painting place,
I painted Rachel an elf, quite a large one, at the pottery painting studio in Scarborough and she has had it on display but it recently got broken. She spotted the same elf at the pottery painting place at Freeport so we have had one put on one side and I will paint her another one.
We went to see if the dreaded nativity was back, and indeed it is! They haven’t put the accompanying hymn music on yet!
We went into the church when we got back so that Rachel could see the Christmas trees. Since then we had stayed in and chatted and listened to music. 
We enjoyed Strictly and have no idea who will be going home this week.


  1. A relaxing friend day is always a good day. Looks like you fitted a fair bit in and had a good time too. There is a lot to the garden centre Christmas display. Makes for good pics too.
    Mappleton did look a bit bracing. Definitely better saved for another day.
    The naff nativity looks just as naff a usual. Surely whoever is in charge of that must know it’s naff! Having said that, it a tradition now, it has to appear each year.
    Enjoy the rest of your time with Rachel.

  2. Rachel’s visit has been lovely so hopefully she will make her way up here again in the future. She will be heading home today, must remember to give her their cake!
