Sunday 18 December 2022

Another quiet day

My throat has been a bit sore and irritating for a few days and I had a bad night and felt quite rough when I got up. I have had trouble actually speaking first thing over the last few days. So apart from nipping to the shop for milk I pottered a bit this morning and read a bit of the wren book. Tina was out at an official dinner this afternoon so Darren took me to Lily’s beach cafe and we had dinner there at lunch time. The wind was really cold and the sea pretty uninviting. I took photos from back on the road as the paths were still pretty icy.

When we got back I saw that the mahonia leaves were turning really red. I can’t remember seeing them that red before.
I have spent a lot of the afternoon tidying up the bedroom and even found more things for the charity shop. Did have a spell watching the latter part of the World Cup final with Darren, a pretty good match.
Watching Strike in a bit, a good series again.


  1. I do hope that sore throat clears up soon. You certainly don’t want that hanging around over Christmas.
    Sounds like you day has been a bit quieter than usual, which isn’t a bad thing sometimes. Nice to get out for lunch with Darren too. Definitely not a nice day weather wise as the pics really show. At least the red leaves were a touch of colour on such a drab and dreary day.
    You may encourage me to start a bit of sorting of my own. You’ve had the tidying bug for a while and seem to be getting on well with it. Probably the charity shop’s best donator 😊
    Enjoy Strike.

  2. I did, it was on later because of the football. Maybe a livelier day tomorrow.
