Saturday 24 December 2022

Baking day!

After going to the sh for some lunch stuff and helping with the shopping delivery I then got on with some baking. Had some bananas that needed using and made a banana loaf, without a recipe and in the ninja, but it turned out okay. Forgot to take a photo before we had tried it!
Then I made mince pies and some without mincemeat but cherry conserve for Tina, made two dozen in total and a tart with the left over pastry. Forgot the photo of them on the rack!
It is Tina’s birthday tomorrow, I bought some cheap heart shaped tins with the idea of using them to make her a cake. She knows I have been baking but hopefully won’t be checking the blog today as she has another service tonight and then two in the morning.

After lunch and a mountain of washing up I decided to walk to the front and get some air. I was wondering why my leg was hurting so much when I was walking and then it dawned on me that I had been standing all morning, and standing always sets it off.

Took a couple of photos on the way home, the one with the trees was really because there was a wood pigeon sitting up on a branch. The other one is a small nativity outside the Methodist church.

When I went to the shops I got some reduced flowers, they needed to be reduced, some were already dead, but there weee enough to have in a vase, but don’t think they will last long.
I bought a Bain-Marie a little while ago and bought bars of chocolate a couple of days ago, so back into the kitchen to try and make chocs! Not many made, the chocolate didn’t flow easily and yet another thing that seemed like a good idea at the time!

We will be off to church in less than an hour. Time to make a drink!


  1. Well you’ve certainly kept yourself busy today. That’s a lot of baking, and chocolate making, so I’m not surprised the leg was giving you jip after all the standing about. The results do look as if it was worthwhile though. I like the heart cake, and I’m sure the Rev will too! The big mince pie looks pretty good to, nice with a dollop of custard or cream on top.
    I really like the tree pic with the wood pigeon. The light is great. Even that small nativity looks so much better than the “naff” one up the road 😊
    The flowers don’t look too bad. You do like to rescue plants that are past their sell by date!
    The choccies are alright. I’m sure they’ll all get devoured in short order. That was a practice batch, the next lot will be much better.
    Soon be Christmas 🎄🎅🏻

  2. No baking for a while now!
    It was nice to be out, but would have been better without the pain!
    I am glad you like the wood pigeon pic. It was a lovely light as I walked back.
