Saturday 17 December 2022

Quick post today

This morning I went on a hunt around the town to get some chocolate decorations to hang on a wire table tree that Tin bought when we were out on Thursday. No luck in the town, so Darren drove me up to Freeport and on the second attempt there we mnged to find some. Not the greatest and the cords weren’t well attached or even tied into a loop, but at least there are some chocolates on the little tree now,
This afternoon I have been trying to organise the plants, move some out of the sitting room and make them look lees cluttered. One terrarium has gone. S two are spoken for, so may be able to tidy them up even more before too long.

Been watching the Strictly final, not sure Hamza will win now, but if not I hope it is Helen.


  1. I suppose there are worse things to do than wander around shops looking for chocolate. It’s a cute little table tree, I quite like that. Are you going to knit any tinsel for it 😂
    The terrariums have been a great success. They do look nice on your mantle and I’m not surprised people are happy to get them as pressies. I’m sure you’ll end up making a few more.
    I’m sure whoever wins Strictly will deserve it.

  2. I was surprised how difficult it was to chocolate tree decorations, but the ones I did find look okay. The tree was on a reduced shelf and quite a bargain.
    Liking the terrariums on the mantle but hopefully some will be on their way before too long.
