Sunday 4 December 2022

Lots of sky and travelling

We didn’t go to the boot sale as it had rained in the night and was still raining when I went out to feed the birds. We did go down and had breakfast at Lily’s and the sun behind the clouds was fabulous today.

I did some chores and watered all the indoor plants and terrariums. When we went to the garden centre I bought a sign and Rachel bought me the rat to go with it. So cute!
We got the car loaded up with cakes and presents and then I set off with Darren on a delivery and visiting mission. Not the best weather, drizzly a lot of the time and sometimes quite heavy rain, but the traffic wasn’t too bad and it was a trouble free journey. Another sky pic taken in the car!
We dropped stuff off at Anya’s and took Mike his cake and then took him to Ibrahimis for tea. Very nice there as usual but sadly no trifle!
We are at the hotel now watch the football and England winning at the moment! Photos of the room as requested by Tina!

Spending time with Rose tomorrow and visiting Margherita in the care home, taking their cake as well of course!


  1. A very busy day for you and a lot of travelling too. Great skies from the front today. You get some really good variations up there.
    I like the rat and the sign, very nice 😊
    Glad your journey down wasn’t too bad. At least there wasn’t too much traffic. Shame about the weather though. Hopefully the journey home will be better.
    It was lovely to see you both, and the cake looks great as usual. I’m going to try very hard not to start on it until Christmas Eve, but I know I’m going to find it hard 😊 It was really nice to go out with you both to Ibrihimis. Very unexpected but very nice. We always have a great meal there, and tonight was no exception, apart from the lack of trifle. I suppose we can forgive them this once 😊
    The hotel room looks good. As long as it’s warm and the wifi is good that’s all that matters.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip, specially spending some time with Margherita.

  2. A good day all in all and England winning the football a well!
    I love to see the sun breaking through the clouds, can look quite dramatic.
    The room is good, the bed feels comfy while sitting on it, so fingers crossed, and breakfast is included in tne morning. Charming young men on reception.
