It was very frosty again this morning when I fed the birds, it did seem to get a bit warmer during the day though. After the shopping had been delivered I caught the bus into Hull, had one or two things I wanted to get that I can’t in Hornsea, and had a couple of small gifts to get. It really didn’t seem too bad in the city, no ice and felt warmer. Very busy, but it is only two weeks to Christmas so not really surprising. I got the stuff on my list and had a bit of lunch at Waterstones. Tina got a loyalty card with them and it you spent over five pound in the cafe you get half a point, then a point if you spend ten pound in the shop. When you get to ten points you have ten pound to take off a purchase, so not a bad card to have. I did buy myself a couple of books today, have red a little of both of them to get a taste and think they will be interesting. Not murder mysteries this time!
The plant stall is back at the station again, it really is a good one. I don’t usually like the different coloured poinsettias but they had a white one with red veins which is really pretty. I need another plant like I need a hole in the head and I have two poinsettias that just don’t die are green and leggy. One is about five years old now and the other one three!
I popped to the local shop when I got home as my throat has been a bit sore and I have been coughing, so though I had better get some lozenges.
I went into the parish hall will Tina to help get the tables ready for a reception after the civic carol service this evening.
Will probably have the football on this evening. Come on England, you can beat France!
It’s not been as cold as I thought it would be today. I have had the windows open most of the morning and haven’t had the heating on, yet.
ReplyDeleteA little trip into Hull was nice. The Waterstones card sounds very good. Didn’t know they had cafés in their shops. Your books are different. I imagine the phobia one will be interesting. What happens if you have a book phobia 😄 I would think it’s difficult to write a whole book about wrens, hopefully you’ll find it a good read.
The poinsettia is really pretty. I think I actually prefer that to the red ones. Bet it was fun to carry home on the bus.
Hope the throat clears up soon, you don’t want any lurgies hanging around for Christmas.
If you watch the football then no shouting, remember you’ve got a bad throat 😊
I have only read the introduction to the wren book, lots of facts already and mention of recorded details and work from artists naturalists to come I think.
ReplyDeleteI think the white poinsettia is really pretty as well.