Sunday 1 January 2023

New Years Day

This morning I walked down to the front, a lovely start to the day.

Darren met me down there and we had breakfast at Lily’s then I walked home going along a bit of the trail.
I popped in and got rolls for lunch on the way home, then after a bit of a rest I went out into the garden, spent quite a while out there and did a lot of pruning and weeding. Didn’t take a before, which is a pity as I made quite a difference.
There was a really long bramble runner that had grown through the fir tree and down to the ground the other side. It was fun getting it out!
Tina and Darren got me a crystal art gecko for Christmas, probably took me getting on for two hours to do the tiny amount that I did.
After dinner I thought I would print some photos, it wasn’t happening! Darren and Tina both battled with it for some time, at least it wasn’t me being stupid! It is working at the moment so I printed a couple. Will see if it is responding again tomorrow!


  1. Very nice pics, and a good start to any day. The breakfast isn’t a bad option either. Not sure if it’s Darren leading you astray or vice versa. Either way, it’s a good choice.
    Seems like you’re going to be back slaving over the garden for a while now. Hopefully you’ll soon get what needs doing done. But somehow I feel it’ll be a long job. The gecko will be a long job too, but a more enjoyable one. Should look great when it’s finished. Not sure I could cope with that amount of detail. Good job you have patience.
    Fingers crossed the printer was just something really silly and will be ok now 🤞🏻

  2. It was a nice start to the day, it was chilly but bright, a lovely morning really.
    That gecko will take an age, but a simpler challenge that the one Anya and family bought me, may put something about that on the blog tomorrow!
