Monday 12 December 2022

Chilly walk and even chillier painting!

I walked up to Freeport this morning, it was cold but the pavements weren’t too icy. Took a few photos when I was almost there.

As I was going up to start painting the elf thought I would take a few pics of things I had painted as they are worth another airing!

I am particularly proud of that one, I love the filmThe Wizard of Oz and my favourite character is the scarecrow!
I painted for about two hours, it was very cold in the studio, big and no obvious heat source! I didn’t get that far as I decided to do the face first and the bigger areas later. Will go back for another session on a warmer day!
He will hopefully be nice and bright when fired.
I had a hot drink before walking home. Sarah had messaged earlier to ask if she could pop round for a catch up so I phoned her when I got home. We had a good natter and now we are on an energy saving slot so just a single lamp and some reading for a while when I have finished. Luckily the results show and Strike are on when we can turn things on again!


  1. It was damn cold this morning, but I do like to see the frost on the plants, and the webs in particular. Always makes for some great pics, and you have quite a few today.
    You’ve done some great ceramic painting over the years, and I remember all of those you’ve put on this evening very well. I love the scarecrow too. It’s a great likeness to the original. The one you’re doing now looks as though it’s coming on well. Shame it was so cold in there today or May you could have done more. Never mind, something to do another day.
    When you’re on the energy saving slot does Darren have to turn off all electronics and laptops? How about vicars with iPads? I know it’s battery operated, but it has to be charged 😄
    Enjoy your viewing later. I watched all four episodes of Strike today. It’s a really good series.

  2. No computers allowed, and two hours this time!
    I like to see the frost on the trees and as you say especially the webs.
    Hopefully I will finish the elf next time as I have done the really fiddly bits.
    Lucky that I really enjoying this book, it can go back to the library when I am finished.
