Thursday 8 December 2022

Trip to Beverley

Yesterday evening I got most of the Christmas cards written and finished them off this morning while Tina was getting the banking ready and seeing to a couple of other jobs. Then we set off for Beverley to do the banking and get some lunch. It was a market day in Beverley so we had to park a bit further out of town than usual. We went and had lunch first, the people that used to run the garden cafe at the antique centre have now opened in a new venue in the town. The special was a ‘festive baguette’ and it was fabulous.
They had a terrarium in a fantastic container, we were not sure what it would have been for originally but it was impressive.
We went in the Edinburgh Woollen Mill store and Tina got a nice new top and bought me a great hat!
Underneath the arches near the market and hello to Santa!

A great Christmas tree and an attractive shop window.

We called in at Lidl on the way home, still very cold.
I had a frustrating phone call, hanging on for over an hour to sort something out for my sister to be told I couldn’t do it when I did get through!
Looking forward to The Traitors tonight.


  1. The Christmas cards is a good job to get sorted and out the way. Your trouble is you know way too many people!
    Your lunch looks really really good. I’d definitely give that a try and I’m sure I’d really enjoy it. You certainly do have some good eateries up north. Wish we had a bit more of a selection this way.
    That terrarium is nice. I bet you notice them everywhere these days. It’s always the same when you start to make certain items, you tend to see lots of them that you’ve never noticed before.
    Like that hat, it really does suit you. You must have quite a collection with all those boot sale buys on cold days 😊
    I think the unusual Christmas tree is great. Obvious what it is, but so different. You could knit some tinsel for it 😊
    So annoying hanging on the phone listening to that stupid music! Even worse after an hour to be told you’ve wasted an hour hanging on… !*&#
    Enjoy your program.

  2. It was a good trip out and Beverley is always interesting. That Christmas tree was very striking as it is big and so different.
    I have quite a few hats, still have three that I knitted myself
    Terrariums have become very popular now so I do see a lot, but never seen one in coloured glass in a shop yet.
    Why is it always such awful music when you are on hold, presumable so that you give up and hang up!
