Tuesday 6 December 2022

Back home

I will start with a couple of photos from the meal with the family last night.

This morning after breakfast we went across to Ramsey to deliver Janet’s cake, a couple of shots from the car.

We called in and visited Margherita again briefly and then headed home. The weather started cold and bright, we did see rain and rainbows. When the sky was dark the sun on the trees was lovely. A selection of photos from the journey.

After unpacking and getting dinner I am now pinned to the seat while Pandora makes sure I don’t disappear again!


  1. That’s a nice pic of you at the meal. Looks a nice dessert too 😊
    It’s been a cold day all day, but as you say quite bright too. We’re all in for some frost and snow in the next few days!
    You managed to catch a lot of rainbows on your trip home. The one with the rainbow and the lovely coloured trees is really nice. I’d lose the mirror though.
    I’m sure you’ll be pinned down by Pandora for quite a while. She hates you going away.

  2. Was trying to pedal for a bit, but have given up!
    The journey was good, but a dreadful accident on the other side of the road, police vehicles, fire engine, ambulance and air ambulance and traffic backed up for miles!
