Monday 26 December 2022

Quick hello to Scarborough

This morning Idid some general tidying up after present opening and wrapping yesterday, and to get the dining room tidy for company tomorrow.
While Tina made some sausage rolls I went out and did some pruning and clearing in the front garden for a while. Then after sampling the sausage rolls Tina drove the three of us to Scarborough. We had a short walk and a coffee, it was bright but the wind was really chilly. We drove round the South Bay but parked near our old haunts at the North Bay. The South Bay was really crowded and we had to crawl round in the car, hardly any parking spaces on the walk between the bays and so many people walking there it was as busy as a summer day. Not so busy on the beach at North Bay but plenty of people around and the cafe was heaving! A picture of South Bay as we drove round and the more at North bay.

Some photos on the way home, some taken in the car and some where Tina stopped for me.

I got on with dinner when we got home and have done some pedalling since then as My exercise levels have dropped a bit.
A Christmas special of Death in Paradise in a bit which should be good.


  1. Sounds like a pleasant day. Always nice to get out, specially at Christmas, and Scarborough is a great place to go. I really like it there, and maybe one of these days I’ll get to visit there again.
    You have some really nice pics today. But I can’t see any sign of loony surfers. There must have been some somewhere.
    I’m sure you’ll get back into exercising a bit more in the new year, assuming the leg give you a bit of a reprieve.
    Enjoy your program.

  2. A nice little trip down memory Lane, there is no place like Scarborough as far as I am concerned. May have to try and have a few days there again next year!
    Death in Paradise was good, time for bed now.
