Friday 30 December 2022

Bye bye for now

This morning I went round to the cottage where Anya and family were staying and Anya and I managed to finish the game of Scrabble we started yesterday morning before they got their belongings together to leave by 10 am. They came back here and we walked down to the front, Anya and I went straight to the arcade and Louis and Isobel went for a bit of a walk on the beach before joining us. Darren came along as well and we won some little sweets and bits and enjoyed using the machines. We went to a different arcade that the day he we have been to before and it had better machines and nicer staff so will be going there again.
We got in touch with Tina when we came out as she was going to come down and meet us for lunch. We had been going to Lily’s but it was completely full, so we went to have fish and chips instead in Sullivan’s. We were lucky to get a table for six, soon after we arrived people were having to wait for tables!
Not many pics today, a selfie near the sea!
And one from last night when we were playing the silly charade type game, Darren didn’t act he had to be a guesser!
Anya and co went into The Town House on the way back and then headed for home.
It was really cold today so Tina dropped me off at Jeans and we had a cuppa and chat and Terry brought me home.
Feeling weary tonight and have found a Simon and Garfield concert to watch on tv which is lovely and they are very young playing to a massive crowd in Central Park!
Will visit Bel tomorrow as I usually see her on a Friday.


  1. Sounds like you fitted a fair bit in today all things considered. It’s nice you had such a good time with them while they were up there.
    From what I remember, fish and chips at Sullivans is a good meal.
    I love the pic of the three of you. It’s a really nice one. I bet that’ll get framed.
    Sounds like an earlyish night is in order. You’ve had a busy few days.

  2. Will get that pic printed, not often the three of us are together like that.
    It has been lovely but yes, an early night is in order.
