Thursday 29 December 2022

Scrabble and Beverley

Anya and I had a game of Scrabble at their digs while Louis and Isobel got ready. Then we set off for Flemingate, we had a good look round Art and Soul and then we saw a puffin! I think I may have photographed it before but worth a second viewing.

We had a look in Baytree Interiors and the a long look round Dunelm and had lunch there. Then we walked into the town and a couple of shots from there.

One of the Minster as we walked back to Flemingate.
We came back here and I cooked dinner while the family went down and enjoyed some time in the arcade.
They are heading home tomorrow but not until after lunch.


  1. Another nice day then. You’ve managed to fit a fair bit in while they’ve been there.
    Those puffins get in everywhere 😊
    I really do like the cube tree. It’s very simple but totally different.
    That’s a great shot of the Minster. I love the lighting.
    Hope you get to do something with them in the morning.

  2. It was a good day, lovely to have t family close by for a couple of days and Beverley is always interesting.
    I was pleased with that last photo, never quite sure how the low light ones will turn out.
