Sunday 25 December 2022

Belated Merry Christmas to all

The weather has been reasonable here today and we have had a very quiet and restful day. I did take a slow walk to the sea front this morning, saw. Few dog walkers and even a few folk taking a walk without a dog like me! I did go onto the beach for a while today, it made for some nice pictures.

We had a zoom call with family this afternoon, the New Yorkers have freezing weather and had no internet yesterday, but they say it isn’t as bad there as a lot of the country. We had a light, non Christmassy meal followed by birthday cake!
I got Darren and Tine oversized hoodies like mine, but not with llamas on! Darren has been wearing his most of the day .
I have spent a lot of the day finishing the jigsaw, will pack it away again tomorrow and into the charity box it will go!
Finally a selfie of hoodie wearers!


  1. All in all a nice day then from the sounds of it.
    Makes a change for “ordinary” pea op leaves and not those with mutts to be walking on the beach. It certainly makes a difference to the pics you can get. You have some really nice ones. I particularly like the one of the break running up the centre of the pic.
    Seems the hoodies were a good choice of pressie. Better than putting the heating on too 😊
    Soon be Easter! Humbug!

  2. No idea what happened there. Pea op leaves should have read people.
