Thursday 30 June 2022

Garden, lunch, plants, garden!

Will start with a photo I meant to take yesterday. I liked the photo tile I got when I had been to see Diversity so thought it would be good to have another one made with the family in it, as having my three children in one place is very rare these days.
Very pleased I did!
This morning, after Ringtons had called, I went out into the front garden. Thought I would work on the right hand side as you look out from the house. Not well tended and a lot of weed on the path. I always said I wouldn’t/couldn’t do the gravel drive, but it does spoil the general appearance when it gets bad, so I weakened!
Quite hard going so good that I did wear my wrist supports!
Not a perfect job by any means, but a lot tidier than it was!
Went to lunch with Tina and she took us to a pub in Brandesburton and we had a very nice meal there.
We called at the garden centre on the way home and ended up getting a lot of plants for me to get into the garden, took a picture of an unusual flower and the other one needs no explanation!

I went into the back garden and got all the plants bar one that I am going to put in a pot into the shady, dry beds under the trees. It is difficult to get things to grow there and there are not a lot of plants that like full shade and drought conditions!! 

It may not look like many new plants, but hopefully they will establish and grow a bit. I did try to hoe the ground a bit and then gave those very dry beds a really good watering.

I almost forgot the rather exciting and very surprising turn of events today. You know that I went to see a consultant yesterday who had said he would put me on the NHS waiting list for the electric nerve testing and would also let me know the cost of having it done privately. His secretary phoned to tell me the price, £629 and to confirm that he had made the NHS referral. I said I would have to think about the test! A while after that I had a phone call from Hull Royal Infirmary to offer me an appointment on the 11th July! I will be away then so she said they would get in touch when I was back. Then she said the only other appointment she had was at 8.45am tomorrow but that was too early for me as I had to come from Hornsea. I said that I could make that appointment as my some comes into work in Hull, so an early start tomorrow and the test happening amazingly quickly!
Going to try a new drama tonight, sounds quite different and has Adrian Lester in who I really like.


  1. That’s a great photo. Well worth having done, and as you say it might be a while before you get them all together again!
    That garden will be the death of you! You always relent and do bits you say you’re not going to! The gravel does look a lot better though, but it’s way too much work for you.
    At least you got out for a bit of lunch, but then you actually go and buy more plants and make more work for yourself. Next time you see that consultant ask him if he examines heads too 😊 I like the pic with the gorilla.
    More watering after the planting. Bet you’re praying for rain…..actually you should get the Rev do that, she has connections 😇
    Great news about the test tomorrow. It just goes to show what a difference it makes if the right person puts the referral in. It goes to the top of the pile. Still it’s a lot of money to save, so no complaints. Enjoy your early morning trip tomorrow. 🤞🏻

  2. I had my 7th Birthday meal at the Dacre arms and they hid my present under my bread bun it was a little watch xx

  3. Had to have a hard copy of the photo, catches everyone well.
    Quite a bit achieved today, just keep plodding on.
    Early start tomorrow but so lucky to get the appointment,

  4. Sorry to see you could have had an appointment on 11th hope you don’t have to wait long for another one xx

  5. Oh I worked it out it’s in the morning what am I like

  6. Pretty amazing eh! Obviously get referred by a consultant!
