Sunday 26 June 2022

Frugal boot sale!

Darren drove us to the boot sale as early, there pretty early and quite busy already. We had a good wander round after our breakfast sandwich but it wasn’t a big spending day! I got a nice little framed otter tile nd a lovely Danish pottery bird. Both a pound, the bird was cheap because it had been repaired, but no problem to me, it is such a lovely little piece.
We went and had an excellent cream by the sea on the way home.

After my call with Anya I tidied the cupboard by the back door and then weeded the walled garden as they were beginning to get bigger again. After lunch I did some reading and made a card for David who is partially sighted.
I did some more weeding in the large bed in the front garden before dinner, which Tina was cooking today, and very nice it was too. We have a wold sweet pea in the walled garden on which is lovely.
A couple more photos of the caterpillars still munching away at the plant.

The become mullein moths and apparently are more often seen at the caterpillar stage.
I watered the front garden after dinner and will water the back garden after the program I am watching..


  1. Definitely a frugal boot sale for you, but what you got is really nice. The bird looks ok.
    Is that supposed to say you went for an ice cream by the sea?
    A fair bit of gardening from the sounds of it, plus tidying and crafting! You really do fill your days, maybe a little too much. You don’t seem to be slowing down at all.
    The card is very nice. I think he’ll really like that. I’m sure not everyone goes to the trouble of giving him a tactile card.
    I really like those caterpillars. The last pic is lovely.
    Hopefully we’ll get a bit of rain soon, watering a huge garden isn’t fun ☹️

  2. It was an excellent ice cream!
    Yes, a fair bit done today in smallish sessions. Will water everything well so that tomorrow it can cope!
    They are very pretty caterpillars.

  3. I am checking my plants daily to stop little critters from munching -looks like you been busily cracking on as ever

  4. You know me, this gardening stuff is never ending! Fingers crossed there will be trains next week!🤞

  5. I’m sure trains will run but if not I would drive xx

  6. Thought you would say that!😅
