Saturday 11 June 2022

Bus to Hull

The shopping came yesterday so I caught the bus into Hull at nine. I had no particular reason to go into the city but it made a change, even though the weeds were waving as I left! There is a new piece of modern sculpture at the station.
I went into St Stephens to Boots and got some Clinique on offer. I walked through the city and although my knee hurt a bit managed to get to the funky bridge!
The weather was good but windy, the clouds darkened now and again but soon cleared.

I have no idea where I managed to take this, but will post it anyway as like the bridge it is sort of funky!
I did have tea and apple pie at a cafe and headed back into town. In Smiths I was accosted by a man who was doing a book signing, he asked if ai read crime fiction. I said that I did if it wasn’t too gory, he assured me his wasn’t! He was selling his fourth book but also had copies of the previous three. So I bought the first one and will give it a try.

I got home a bit before two and had a sit down and cuppa. Mind you I had been sitting for over an hour on the bus and had been dozing!! I went out in the front garden for half an hour or so to pull or cut back some of the bigger weeds. These lilies were there when we moved in and are just opening.
After the link up with America I sewed a few squares of patchwork together before getting tea. Then after tea I went out into the back garden, tidied the store out so that there is nothing in the way to get broken when the mower is being used on Monday. Then I walked round the garden. This tall spike is near the back and the sea holly at the side and just forming. Even lovelier when it turns blue.

This plant is in the walled garden, one of my successful boot sale buys.
I have sewn four more rows of squares now, will press them and sew them together tomorrow.
A long episode of Casualty to enjoy this evening!


  1. Sounds like a very nice day. A trip to a place you like and getting accosted by a man. I hope the book isn’t too gory. You might enjoy it and need the other three, with inscriptions of course. What more could you ask for? 😊
    You don’t need a reason to go somewhere, that’s the beauty of being retired. You can do what you want. But a trip into Hull is always nice and know how much you like it there. Plenty of things to look at and take pics of too. The red pic is really funky! Having spoke to you earlier about the size of the apple pie, I’m surprised you could still walk after eating it. Never thought anywhere would outdo the pie we used to have in Scarborough 😊
    You always manage to find a bit of time for gardening, no matter what else you’ve done. Glad you’re limiting your time out there a bit these days as it really does wear you out!
    Getting closer to cutting up all those squares you’ve so fastidiously sewn together! 😄

    1. I really do like Hull and so pleased it gets better press these days. Being city of culture really put it on the map.
      Michael Knaggs was quite charming, born in Hull but lives in Manchester now.
      May get the material ready for cutting up by the end of next week!
