Wednesday 15 June 2022

Nice trip out

This morning I started writing some notecards before getting ready to have a trip out with Angela. In the garden while I was waiting for her to arrive I took a picture of this foxglove, I have never had one with so many side shoots before.
We went to a garden centre near Beverley and had a drink and a good wander round, I didn’t buy any plants or bulbs although have to admit I was tempted! We were there longer than we had expected and then drove to Heron Lakes, a lovely place. We had taken sketching stuff but it was very hot and we had been out quite a while, so we thought we would head straight there another time.

When we got home I finished writing my cards and went down to the postbox. I love this plant in the garden, called fox and cubs, don’t really know why but they are small and bright and I like it when they appear.
I pressed the final seams on the patchwork material and then pressed the whole length, folded in half ready for cutting.
I got the pattern out, actually following the appropriate lines for the size you want is a challenge in itself.
I have cut all the pieces out now and have adjusted the length on some pieces. There will be cutting of interfacing and lining pieces for the bib. Not the simplest pattern, I may make a start tomorrow or may leave it for a few days!
I went out and watered both of the gardens this evening and have done some pedalling as I haven’t had much exercise today. I haven’t used the pedal gadget much lately and will try and get it out more as I do think it used to help.
Just relapsing now and  trying not to think about the masses of weeds that need removing in both gardens!


  1. Your comment hasn’t published Mike but I have read it on my notification email. It was a nice trip out and we do seem to pass the time quickly enough,
    I do intend to get the dungarees finished, but have to admit my initial enthusiasm has waned somewhat!

  2. Glad your little trip out went well. You certainly had a good day for it, but probably a bit too hot to be comfortable. Heron Lakes does look a lovely place. Perfect for a sketching expedition another time when it’s slightly cooler. Sounds like you both enjoyed the trip and obviously found plenty to do to occupy your time. Pleased to hear you resisted buying plants and bulbs. We’ll get you weened off that little habit before too long 😊
    I like the fox and cub plant too. Lovely colour. It is a strange name, but I bet there’s an explanation somewhere as to why.
    You’ll be pleased when those dungarees are finished, assuming they get finished. So much faffing has gone into making them up to now it’d be a shame if they didn’t get done. But I know you, you’re not a quitter, you’ll have them finished and you’ll be modelling them before too long. In future it might be a good idea to think these things over before you suggest them out loud 😊

  3. You definitely need a rota for watering the garden when it’s hot like this. It’s a lot of work dragging that hose around front and back of the house. Maybe the other two occupants should take turns too. Either that or ban them from looking at it when it’s pretty! 😊
    You definitely need to try not to think about the weeds in this weather. It’s way too hot to be doing anything strenuous out there. You’ll do yourself a mischief! Just sit around drinking cold drinks and eating ice cream.

  4. Split it in 2. Maybe too long.
