Friday 1 July 2022

Progress and sad news

Yesterday evening I did a quick watercolour sketch of a plant that I bought yesterday. It is supposed to cope with shade so going to put it in a pot and have it at the back of the shaded bed. In a pot because it is an annual but can be over wintered if it is kept in the greenhouse.
Also spotted this little spider on the wall yesterday evening.
This morning I hitched a lift with Darren into Hull and after having a drink I took a leisurely walk along to the hospital and the neurophysiology department where I had the election nerve testing again on my left hand. Walking there I took a couple of pictures of painted walls!

Outside the department there was this wild grass that is like a cereal plant, it used to be common when I was a kid but haven’t seen any for ages,
The lady that was conducting the test asked me questions about what. Has happened since I had the tests on both hands last June. I asked her how it could detect what might be wrong and she said if it is even a slightly better result it could mean that the nerve is still healing albeit slowly. If no change or worse it could indicate that something is still trapped. When she had finished she said that there was definite deterioration and they would be expecting that I was in considerable pain. The results should be back with the consultant in seven to ten days so I will make an appointment to see him as soon as possible after I get back from Peterborough.
When I checked my phone when I came out I had a message to say that she had spotted an injured hedgehog on the lawn and was taking it to Beverley. That was sad and I hoped the cats hadn’t  been responsible. I walked back into town, had a drink and a bit of a wander round and then caught the bus home getting back a bit before midday. When Tina came in she said that the vet had asked if we wanted the hedgehog back if it survived. But later in the day we heard that it hadn’t survived and had had a broken leg. The vet thought it was unlikely it was a predator and more likely it had got caught somewhere. I will keep putting food and water in the hedgehog house in case the other one is still around.
We have had some rain today which is good, mo watering tonight, because of the rain Jean’s husband, Terry, collected me and bought me home today and Jean and I had a nice long chat over a cuppa.
Having an easy evening,m watching a bit of tennis!


  1. Looks nice plant. I’d forget to bring it in and I’d end up killing it off. I’m not good with plants 😊
    That artwork in Hull is really good, specially considering the size of it. There is a lot of talent about. Sadly none of it fell my way.
    I remember that grass very well. Can’t say that I’ve seen any for a long time either. I suppose it must still be around albeit a bit more sparse. A bit like most things these days. I remember when we were at school that we used that grass as darts. The top was perfect for throwing at the girls as it stuck in the back of their jumpers and they didn’t know. Oh for the good old days 😊
    Well regardless of the final outcome of these tests and consultations you should have a firm result as to whether it can be made better or not soon. At least you’ll know for sure and will know where you stand. Hopefully he’ll be able to offer you some sort of solution 🤞🏻
    That’s a real shame about the hedgehog as it’s only recently you’ve acquired them as visitors. I do hope the other one still comes back for food and shelter.
    No watering, you are spoiled! Not sure how long the easy evening will last, you’ll be thinking you should be getting on with something!
    Feet up and relax.

  2. A pretty good day except for the hedgehog, but I was relieved that it was unlikely to have been the cats that inflicted the damage.
    The progress after my consultation has been fast, making my head spin! But a little lull in the progress now as I will be away for a bit.
    Nice to have had a decent amount of rain after all the planting yesterday,
