Monday 6 June 2022

Filey Bird Park

This morning I had a dental appointment, they were running late so waited for forty minutes and then was in there for about ten. Quick inspection and a scrape and polish, part with £89 and head off home. Went vis the Food Shop and got us a sandwich for lunch. After lunch we set off for the bird park, one of our favourite places. A lot of photos and no commentary, any questions just leave a comment, preferably with your name somewhere as everyone is anonymous these days!

I will comment on that one, not great, they are European starlings that have super shimmery plumage, some are immature at the moment and they are nervous when people are looking at them, so difficult to get a shot. Think they will be very popular when they settle down.

We called at a nursery and bought quite a lot of plants, we put them on the bench when we got home before taking them round the back. Pandora checked them over for us!
Off to visit Sarah and David this evening. May manage to get some plants in tomorrow!


  1. Money for old rope being a dentist these days! That’s a lot of money for about ten minutes work!
    The bird park looks really good in the pics, so I can see why you like going. You’ve got some cracking pics. We’re they all taken on the phone?
    That’s definitely quite a lot of plants you have there. Good job you haven’t kept track of what you’ve spent on plants for that garden, frightening! At least I can’t see any bulbs.
    Hope you had a nice evening with Sarah and David.

    1. Yes, they were all with the phone.
      It really is a fabulous place.
      Sarah and David were fine, went to some of the jubilee activities.
