Wednesday 29 June 2022

Maybe baby and puffins!

I had a fairly quiet morning and then set off with Bel at midday to make our way to The Spire hospital for my consultation. A good drive there and some time to spare, which was good as we parked the wrong side of the road to start with but had time to get to the right entrance.  Mr Haeney was lovely, asked a lot of questions and examined both my hands. He suggested that I have the electronic tests again as they may decipher whether the nerve is still healing or if a part is still trapped. How a machine can detect that who knows, but interesting. He doesn’t know the cost to have it done privately but will find out and in the meantime add me to the NHS list so that I don’t miss out if I decide to wait for that. Mr Haeney will actually write to me and when I have had the test will see me again or have a telephone consultation if I prefer. I was only in the hospital for about twenty minutes and Bel had a book with her in the car. Then we had a drive round to find somewhere to have some lunch. We ended up at a restaurant next to Skidby mill.
One photo as we went in.

While we were waiting for our lunch I noticed a phot on the wall and thought it was Gina Lolabrigida. How I remembered the name or her face is amazing, I never saw any of her films but remembered my brother doing a drawing of her when I was a child! I asked the waitress and she said it was her  and a lot of people thought it was Sophia Loren.
I walked along to the mill while Bel waited in the car.

I watched a bit of tennis with Tina for a while when I got home, and then took some more bird food down to the store. I had thought I waould take a later walk down to the sea, and when Tina said the puffins had arrived today that decided me! I found five, so quite a few pics and their sighs with their name and the artist on.

Thought the painting on this one was wonderful so took an extra shot!

Nice one to finish with!! Tired now and watching Murray!


  1. Well maybe the consultation will be the first step to getting it sorted finally, or it be the point that he says it’s buggered and you have to live with it 😊 Either way you’ll know what’s what sooner than waiting for the nhs to tell you. I hope it’s the former, but if it’s the latter then at least you’ll know where you stand.
    That a lovely windmill. I’ve always fancied living in one of those. Might buy one if I win the lottery.
    I thought the picture was Sophia Loren when I first glanced at it. Both of them are beautiful women. Must be in their 80’s and 90’s now.
    A puffin hunt, what a great way to end a day 😊 They really are great. I hope the oiks don’t appear with their spray cans ☹️ My favourite is “Nuffin’ for the puffin”
    A good day with the appointment and a good day for pics of different things. Back to the normal slog tomorrow I would think ☹️
    Hope Murray wins. Bit of a struggle though.

  2. It was quite a full day and a pretty good one. Bel enjoyed have a decent drive out as she doesn’t go far these days, bet she fell asleep in front of the tennis when she got home.
    It was a good consultation and whatever the outcome I felt I was listened to and will be happy to follow his recommendations.
    Great to finish off looking for the puffins, they are brilliantly painted.

  3. FBulous puffins and really hope you get some positive results for your
    Poorly hands
