Thursday 9 June 2022

Plodding on…

Yesterday evening I laid out four more rows of squares for the patchwork material, still have to get w sewing but I have been busy today and not going to start this evening as it is quite late.
I sit in bed and read or do a puzzle before I settle down for the night and Pandora makes the most of more time sprawling over me!
I went out into the garden quite early and began on the bed with the acer in. I did start pulling some of the larger weeds yesterday, but it was still quite a mess.

It was quite hot in the sun so I decided to go and do some clearing in the shade near the wall. I usually just hoe off the plants but today I decided I would try and dig some of the bigger plants out.
A piece of the wall had fallen down, well, more likely knocked down by someone trying to get over. Not part of the wall that has been rebuilt.

I made a good bit of progress, but was feeling tired and came in for a rest as I was going with Tina to get the shopping for her charity weekend away.
We went to Lidl in Driffield and Tina was able to get the car on charge while we shopped. I have never helped with such a bit shop, we filled one of the huge trolleys and two of the larger wheeled baskets, quite a job! We got home at the same time as 
Darren and the three of us went down to the sea front for fish and chips. Quite busy down there but nice fresh food when it arrived, we sat on a bench near the sea. 

When we got home I helped Tina do the shopping order for delivery and then went out into the garden for an hour or so. Have now got most of the new plants into various beds, front and back garden!
Watching Who Do You Think You Are as it is Richard Osman tonight.


  1. That patchwork looks enormous! These dungarees better be good after all this work 😊 It’s not as though you don’t already have enough things to occupy your time.
    Pandora does like to use you as a bed. You must be comfortable or she wouldn’t keep coming back.
    I know the gardening is bloody hard work, but it does make for nice pics with the before and after. The beds look so different after you’ve groomed them. You could just do with the garden being the size of one bed!
    Damn oiks knocking bits off the wall! It was good when you could embed broken glass in the top. Sadly with the mamby pamby society these days they won’t let you do it. Poor little oiks might scratch their fingy wingies! πŸ˜„
    You did a fair bit of digging under the shaded part. Not surprised you were feeling tired.
    Fish and chips was well deserved after a arduous shopping trip. Maybe she’s going to feed the 5000 😊 🐟🍞
    By the time you went out for another hours gardening you’d had a really long day. Maybe a day of rest tomorrow, after the shopping has arrived.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad you managed to delete the duplicate comment, weird when it does that, it has been a busy day, tomorrow is catching up day so not likely to be in the garden, certainly not for long if I do.
    Feeling weary and a bit achey this evening, but quite a lot to show for it.
