Friday 17 June 2022

Photo issues!

No photos tonight as for some reason my photos on the phone are not backing up onto Google photos, I can then access them on the iPad so will hopefully be able to get to them tomorrow.
I went to visit Bel this morning, she wasn’t as bright as usual as she really doesn’t cope well in the heat these days. I did some general chores and tidied in the bedroom in readiness for it becoming a dungaree making workshop! I folded the pattern pieces I and have put them back in the envelope, you never know, I might love them so much I want to make some more!
When Tina got home we made out way across to The Humber view hotel for Darren’s work do. Tina couldn’t get onto the drive as there was a motorbike across the drive. I had just realised and was making my way to Lucian’s to find the owner when she arrived and had to drive past!
Have had a rethink, emailed the photos to myself and had to save them to files to get them onto the iPad, but can add some pics now.
I will add one more bit of chat, the event at the hotel was great, I had a go at the shooting, missed, and the archery, did hit the target twice! Tina had a go at the clay pigeon shooting, did really well, and Darren had foes on both. The food was very good and the people friendly so great to have gone along.
On the way back Tina needed to charge the car, didn’t manage to find me free but she did end up talking to a chap for almost half an hour, usually me with the magnet!!
Will now add some pics.


  1. Oh, that’s a shame with the photos, but hopefully you’ll have more luck with them tomorrow.
    I think you’re being sarcastic about the dungarees. You’ll never want to see another pair, let alone make them 😊
    Hope Darren’s work do went ok. It was nice that you got to meet some of his colleagues.
    People do park in some ridiculous places. Serve them right if their bike “accidentally” got knocked over!

  2. Worked round it, they have of course uploaded now!!

  3. Glad you managed to get a few pics on. The flowers are gorgeous! Great colours.
    I see you managed to sneak the bridge into every photo 😊 How dis Darren do in the archery competition?
    The Rev indulging in that great vicarly pastime of gossiping? 😇😊
    Nice weather for it all which was got. Was it a good turnout?

  4. The flowers are in the back garden.
    Darren did pretty well but it was scored on both disciplines.
    Great turn out and good weather, a happy occasion.
