Tuesday 21 June 2022

Early rescue mission

Had a phone call about 8.30 am from Sarah, in a bit of a panic as men doing some work for them had found hedgehogs in the garage. She clearly wanted them taken away so I sorted a box and we have some hay so took myself down there. Sarah had said that it was a mother and baby, but it was actually two adults. I am not sure if they were trapped there after hibernating as I doubt there were any get out areas in their garage. I picked them up easily and Sarah gave me. Lit home rather than me stress them out any more by bouncing them along carrying them! I put water and hedgehog food in out hedgehog house before putting them in.
I peeped in at about 11.30 am and they had gone, just went down again and no sign. Obviously gone walkabout now they can!
I needed stamps and so did Tina so I walked to the post office and then up to the sea.

Had a sit down in the memorial gardens on the way home.
This fern in the garden has the tiniest little flowers, and such a delicate plant.
This afternoon I decided to get the dungarees finished. Discovered in time that I needed to leave the straps as they were and had to take the top and trousers apart as that was where the mistake was. A bit of a pain but they are now finished and I can manage getting them done up without assistance.
I have watered the gardens this evening, am totally shattered, may have to give gardening up!
I did another doodle last night, so will finish with that.


  1. Definitely a good deed this morning rescuing the hedgehogs. They look quite comfy in your hedgehog house. Maybe they’ll make their way back at some point now they know it’s there.
    The sea always looks so inviting on a nice day. But it’s only fit for loony surfers as I bet it’s bloody cold!
    So lucky you found the real problem before you tackled the straps. You may have swore a bit otherwise.
    As I keep saying, the gardening is getting too much for you. You need a smaller garden or a younger body 😄
    The gecko is great. You’re getting a good collection of animal sketches. You just need a free wall for them.

  2. The hedgehogs seemed a good size so hopefully they will be put and about enjoying the berries or whatever else they eat. It would be good if they came back for shelter, but anyway it was good to have had the house for the rescue mission.
    I like the dungarees but will try to control any future ‘bright ideas’ I may have!

  3. Is that Asparagus fern ? Hope hedgehogs haven’t got lost but they have a lovely garden to live in xx

  4. Yes, love the asparagus fern. The hedgehogs definitely came back once, and the food is going so hopefully they will use the box when it gets colder,
