Friday 10 June 2022

Just watering!

This morning Bel arrived at the same time as the grocery delivery so she sat on the bench while I got things packed away. A lot of it was for Tina’s weekend away so the fridge was a bit rammed for a while. While Bel was here the veg box was delivered so had to nip downstairs again. Haven’t had a box for a while and it was as good as always,
I went to get a last minute buy for Tina at Countdown and they had bunches of flowers so I bought myself some.
I was struggling a bit with painful hand and knee today so I took a very leisurely walk to Jean’s via the sea front.

A nice chat with Jean as usual and Terry gave me a lift home. 
I had a cuppa with Darren and then watered both of the gardens, that takes about an hour and a half and moving the hose around in a wheelbarrow!
May take myself out n the bus tomorrow for a change.


  1. Sounds like you’ve had a busy day one way or another. I bet you’re pooped. Well they certainly shouldn’t go hungry on that weekend away. Bet her car was squeaking under the strain!
    The veg box does look good. Actually makes you want to eat it. I think they’re great value for the amount you get.
    That’s a lovely bunch of flowers too. Shame you had to buy them yourself 😊
    Looks pleasant by the seafront today. Not so much fun when you have achey bits to contend with though. But you enjoy your natters with Jean so it’s worth the effort. I like the pic of all the seagulls sat on the posts. Shame there was an empty one.
    That garden will be the death of you! A day out on the bus tomorrow sounds a great idea. As far away from the garden as possible 😄

    1. Before I came here I would never have thought that I would look forward to a long bus ride, but I am used to them now and quite like the journey into Hull, and we get to go down Dancing Lane, which always puts a smile on my face. No particular reason to go, but I like the city and it is somewhere else to do a bit of walking.

    2. I know I only take short bus rides, but I actually enjoy them nowadays. At one point I hated buses as I always felt sick. Now I just appreciate them as it saves my legs 😄

  2. You deserve some blooms 💐 veg looks good ,

  3. Great veggie boxes, come from Rafters in Driffield x

  4. Oh Rafters is great been there years I used to order my bouquets from them
