Wednesday 8 June 2022

Gardening every day keeps the doctor away - if only!

I have spent a good amount of time in the garden today but found that I was finding it hard going. The first job was dead heading some of the flowers and the large white daisy flower plant. Then I transferred it into a large pot, the one is is in is by the side of the terracotta one.
I went round the walled garden then pulling out the biggest weeds, I try and keep it relatively clear so that frogs don’t hide under them!
I got quite a few flowers into the bottom beds, they hardly notice now but should fill out fairly soon, fingers crossed.

I moved on the the bed near the summer house, just clearing really although did put a couple of plants in.

When I took breaks I was reading and have now finished the third of the Shetland series but have number four ready and waiting!
Not feeling too lively tonight, need to build up the energy to get more plants in tomorrow!


  1. Gardening is hard going, and you’re not getting any younger. It way to big for you to keep in hand by yourself. You’ll end up wearing yourself out totally! I know it’s hard, but you should limit your time out there to a couple of times a week for a FEW hours. You won’t, but it’s worth mentioning.
    What you have done looks very nice. The beds always look good when they’ve been edged and tidied. Very worthwhile, but hard work! I’m sure the daisy is very grateful for a larger living area 😊 I know how much the safety of the frogs means to you. I would hate to hurt one of then accidentally if it was hiding under something.
    Glad to hear you did take breaks. Bet they weren’t very long ones though. Maybe you should give it a miss tomorrow. I’m sure the plants will survive a day, which is probably more than you will! 😳

    1. I will see how I feel tomorrow. Going to help Tina get the shopping for the charity weekend in the afternoon, so won’t be over doing the gardening!

  2. Looks lovely when you have edges it all wht a transformation but bloomin hard work you are saving the church it’s coffers can’t imagine how much a Gardner would cost as it’s a full time job keeping on top of it

  3. Sadly they wouldn’t pay for one, it would just be a jungle!😬
