Thursday 2 June 2022

Hello again from Peterborough!

This morning I went to visit Bel and give her a birthday card and fed birds and made sure watering was done nd then checked the case and got ready for travelling down with Darren. Nice poppy in the garden before we left!
On the journey down there was a horse and cart ahead, couldn’t get a shot until this one, will be a test to see where!
On our way!
We called in to see Margherita and Rose and I had brought my hairdressing scissors with me as last week I tried to trim Margherita’s hair with blunt kitchen scissors! They seemed to be coping well and were on good form. We checked where the hotel is that Lee and Rebecca are staying and then came to Rachel’s. Darren stayed for a while before heading off to his dads. I went out for a family meal with Rachel and the family, belatedly celebrating Niles’s birthday. We went to a new Indian restaurant, hopefully Rachel will red this and supply the name!
I took Cookie for a walk when we got back, she managed well and I didn’t have to carry her home,
Early night now in readiness for a great day tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a good day and a nice evening too.
    The horse and cart are between the two road sign poles. I knew there’d be one of the bridge 😊
    Glad to hear Margherita and Rose are coping ok.
    The meal out sounded good. Hopefully not too spicy.
    Have a good day tomorrow.

  2. It was the Tap and Tandoor building that used to be Carluccios or Miss Pears depending on what you remember xxx lovely evening ❤️

  3. Thanks for the comments, been a good day, will do the blog later.
