Thursday 16 June 2022

Sea at different times

This morning I started cutting out the dungarees, I made enough material which was a bonus! Sorted out the lining material as well and the interfacing, so everything cut out so that’s a start. Cleared up the dining room then and took away the evidence that I have been using it , should be able to do everything up in the bedroom now. I changed the bedding this morning, always a bit of a challenge and got the washing dried outside on the line.

I used weights rather than pins, as I didn’t want to disturb the patchwork stitching any more than necessary. Cutting was tricky as unlike usual fabric I was hitting endless seams to cut through!
After lunch I took a slow walk to Jean’s via the sea front,

I had a lovely chat with Jean for a couple of hours and then Terry, her husband gave me a lift home. When Darren had been home a while we went down to the front and had fish and chips by the sea. So all couple more pics of the sea with the tide in and different light!

I attached some interfacing to a couple of pieces of the patter and did some stay stitching around the arm edges, but have decided to wait a bit before starting the assembly. I will be visiting Bel in the morning and then Tina will be home around lunch time as we are going to Darren’s work family afternoon which will make a change.


  1. Those dungarees do look complicated, plus making your own material doubles the complication! But you’re getting there. I have a feeling it’ll be the last pair of dungarees you’ll be making 😊 You can’t blame anyone but yourself, it was all your idea!
    I hate changing the bed. It always makes me sweat as it’s never easy. Quilts are good, but there’s a lot to be said for good old sheets and blankets.
    I thought the seafront would be busier than that on a nice day. Probably too hot today. What’s going on with the ropes and poles?
    I had fish and chips today, but they definitely don’t taste as good as they do by the sea ☹️ But at least I didn’t have to fight off sea gulls.
    It’s amazing that in that short amount of time the seafront changes so much. Clever old thing nature…..and the moon 😊
    Good planning leaving the dungarees for another day, or even another week!
    Busy day tomorrow for you. I bet you’ll enjoy Darren’s work afternoon.

  2. I am pleased to have reach the stage where I think the dungarees will indeed get made, I have had some niggling doubts!
    It is interesting seen it the sea at different times and in different light.
    I am not sure what they were doing on the beach but think it was a school project of some sort. There was a school group of younger children around this afternoon as well.
