Saturday 4 June 2022

Home via Welton!

I will start with a few photos from yesterday sent to me by other folk!

Darren called for me before ten to drive to Welton, a village near Lincoln where he was going to an Amiga meeting. I did some reading and had a couple or walks around the pretty and patriotic village.

A busy couple of days so relaxing now.


  1. Another dream set of pics. You have some lovely ones of your day out. Are you going to get one enlarged for the wall?
    Darren has had a busy time too. A day out with family and a day out with nerds 😄 Sorry Darren.
    It’s a lovely village, and as you say quite patriotic. I’ve not really seen any houses festooned around this way.
    It was quite a flying visit and you managed to fit a fair bit in. You should have a least tomorrow as a rest day and not do anything, apart from booting and sarnies if available 😄

  2. Oh dear, great became dream, but they are dreamy pics 😊

  3. Will get one or two enlarged but deciding will be a challenge.
